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Aircrewman's Gunnery Manual (1944)

Price €165,95 Sale


Issued by Aviation Training Division
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
U.S. Navy in Collaboration with
U.S. Army Air Forces


An original WW2 Air Gunners manual, published by the US Navy in 1944. This manual was intended for the use of USN and USAAF Air Gunners, covering the theory and practice of air gunnery. It describes how to make sure the bomber’s defensive fire would hit the mark, and looks at the various methods of allowing for deflection and the relative closing speeds of aircraft etc. With advice and comprehensive instructions on the handling and maintenance of Browning machine guns, how to deal with attacks by enemy fighters, and how to operate the various different types of gun turret. It would have been very useful for all front, mid-upper, ball turret, waist, and rear gunners in understanding the best way to counteract fighter attacks.

Very well illustrated throughout with numerous photographs, coloured diagrams and line drawings, this manual would have been an essential bit of kit for US or allied air gunners.


In good condition. The card binder cover is in fair to good condition, with general signs of wear and use, wear to the edges and spine, and some marks. The metal screw binding is good and secure. The text and illustrations are in good condition, with some marks and some wear to the page edges.

Published: 1944
Illustrated with line drawings (many coloured), and photographs
Dimensions: 220mm x 285mm
Pages: 304